* Infinity is used for some request supporting the HTTP Depth header and indicates that the operation should traverse the entire tree
* XML namespace for all SabreDAV related elements
* The tree object
* @var Sabre\DAV\Tree
* The base uri
* @var string
* httpResponse
* @var Sabre\HTTP\Response
* httpRequest
* @var Sabre\HTTP\Request
* @var Sabre\HTTP\Sapi
* The list of plugins
* @var array
* This property will be filled with a unique string that describes the
* transaction. This is useful for performance measuring and logging
* purposes.
* By default it will just fill it with a lowercased HTTP method name, but
* plugins override this. For example, the WebDAV-Sync sync-collection
* report will set this to 'report-sync-collection'.
* @var string
* This is a list of properties that are always server-controlled, and
* must not get modified with PROPPATCH.
* Plugins may add to this list.
* @var string[]
// RFC4918
// RFC4331
// RFC3744
// RFC3253
// RFC6578
// calendarserver.org extensions
// sabredav extensions
* This is a flag that allow or not showing file, line and code
* of the exception in the returned XML
* @var bool
* This property allows you to automatically add the 'resourcetype' value
* based on a node's classname or interface.
* The preset ensures that {DAV:}collection is automatically added for nodes
* implementing Sabre\DAV\ICollection.
* @var array
* This property allows the usage of Depth: infinity on PROPFIND requests.
* By default Depth: infinity is treated as Depth: 1. Allowing Depth:
* infinity is potentially risky, as it allows a single client to do a full
* index of the webdav server, which is an easy DoS attack vector.
* Only turn this on if you know what you're doing.
* @var bool
* Reference to the XML utility object.
* @var Xml\Service
* If this setting is turned off, SabreDAV's version number will be hidden
* from various places.
* Some people feel this is a good security measure.
* @var bool
* Sets up the server
* If a Sabre\DAV\Tree object is passed as an argument, it will
* use it as the directory tree. If a Sabre\DAV\INode is passed, it
* will create a Sabre\DAV\Tree and use the node as the root.
* If nothing is passed, a Sabre\DAV\SimpleCollection is created in
* a Sabre\DAV\Tree.
* If an array is passed, we automatically create a root node, and use
* the nodes in the array as top-level children.
* @param Tree|INode|array|null $treeOrNode The tree object
// If it's an array, a list of nodes was passed, and we need to
// create the root node.
thrownewException('Invalid argument passed to constructor. If you\'re passing an array, all the values must implement Sabre\\DAV\\INode');
thrownewException('Invalid argument passed to constructor. Argument must either be an instance of Sabre\\DAV\\Tree, Sabre\\DAV\\INode, an array or null');
* Starts the DAV Server
* @return void
// If nginx (pre-1.2) is used as a proxy server, and SabreDAV as an
// origin, we must make sure we send back HTTP/1.0 if this was
// requested.
// This is mainly because nginx doesn't support Chunked Transfer
// Encoding, and this forces the webserver SabreDAV is running on,
// to buffer entire responses to calculate Content-Length.
// A special case, if the baseUri was accessed without a trailing
// slash, we'll accept it as well.
thrownewException\Forbidden('Requested uri ('.$uri.') is out of base uri ('.$this->getBaseUri().')');
* Returns the HTTP depth header
* This method returns the contents of the HTTP depth request header. If the depth header was 'infinity' it will return the Sabre\DAV\Server::DEPTH_INFINITY object
* It is possible to supply a default depth value, which is used when the depth header has invalid content, or is completely non-existent
thrownewException\PreconditionFailed('An If-Unmodified-Since header was specified, but the entity has been changed since the specified date.','If-Unmodified-Since');
// Now the hardest, the If: header. The If: header can contain multiple
// urls, ETags and so-called 'state tokens'.
// Examples of state tokens include lock-tokens (as defined in rfc4918)
// and sync-tokens (as defined in rfc6578).
// The only proper way to deal with these, is to emit events, that a