diff --git a/user_sql.php b/user_sql.php --- a/user_sql.php +++ b/user_sql.php @@ -1,612 +1,612 @@ * * credits go to Ed W for several SQL injection fixes and caching support * credits go to Frédéric France for providing Joomla support * credits go to * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ class OC_USER_SQL extends OC_User_Backend implements OC_User_Interface { protected $cache; // cached settings protected $sql_host; protected $sql_username; protected $sql_database; protected $sql_password; protected $sql_table; protected $sql_column_username; protected $sql_column_password; protected $sql_column_active; protected $sql_column_displayname; protected $sql_type; protected $db_conn; protected $db; protected $default_domain; protected $strip_domain; protected $crypt_type; public function __construct() { $this->db_conn = false; - $this->cache = \OC_Cache::getGlobalCache(); - $this->sql_host = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_host', ''); + $this->cache = \OC\Cache::getGlobalCache(); + $this->sql_host = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_host', ''); $this->sql_username = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_user', ''); $this->sql_database = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_database', ''); $this->sql_password = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_password', ''); $this->sql_table = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_table', ''); $this->sql_column_username = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_column_username', ''); $this->sql_column_password = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_column_password', ''); $this->sql_column_displayname = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_column_displayname', ''); $this->sql_column_active = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_column_active', ''); $this->sql_type = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'sql_type', ''); $this->default_domain = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'default_domain', ''); $this->strip_domain = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'strip_domain', 0); $this->crypt_type = OCP\Config::getAppValue('user_sql', 'crypt_type', 'md5crypt'); $dsn = $this->sql_type.":host=".$this->sql_host.";dbname=".$this->sql_database; try { $this->db = new PDO($dsn, $this->sql_username, $this->sql_password); $this->db_conn = true; } catch (PDOException $e) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', 'Failed to connect to the database: ' . $e->getMessage(), OC_Log::ERROR); } return false; } public function implementsAction($actions) { return (bool)((OC_USER_BACKEND_CHECK_PASSWORD | OC_USER_BACKEND_GET_DISPLAYNAME) & $actions); } public function hasUserListings() { return true; } public function createUser() { // Can't create user OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', 'Not possible to create local users from web frontend using SQL user backend', OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } public function deleteUser( $uid ) { // Can't delete user OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', 'Not possible to delete local users from web frontend using SQL user backend', OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } public function setPassword ( $uid, $password ) { // Update the user's password - this might affect other services, that user the same database, as well OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Entering setPassword for UID: $uid", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } $uid = trim($uid); if($this->default_domain && (strpos($uid, '@') === false)) { $uid .= "@".$this->default_domain; } $query = "SELECT $this->sql_column_password FROM $this->sql_table WHERE $this->sql_column_username = :uid"; OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Preparing query: $query", OC_Log::DEBUG); $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":uid", $uid); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Executing query...", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$result->execute()) { return false; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Fetching result...", OC_Log::DEBUG); $row = $result->fetch(); if(!$row) { return false; } $old_password = $row[$this->sql_column_password]; $enc_password = $this->pacrypt($password, $old_password); $query = "UPDATE $this->sql_table SET $this->sql_column_password = :enc_password WHERE $this->sql_column_username = :uid"; OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Preapring query: $query", OC_Log::DEBUG); $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":enc_password", $enc_password); $result->bindParam(":uid", $uid); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Executing query...", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$result->execute()) { $err = $result->errorInfo(); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Query failed: ".$err[2], OC_Log::DEBUG); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Could not update password!", OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Updated password successfully, return true", OC_Log::DEBUG); return true; } /** * @brief Check if the password is correct * @param $uid The username * @param $password The password * @returns true/false * * Check if the password is correct without logging in the user */ public function checkPassword($uid, $password) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Entering checkPassword() for UID: $uid", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } $uid = trim($uid); if($this->default_domain && (strpos($uid, '@') === false)) { $uid .= "@".$this->default_domain; } $uid = strtolower($uid); $query = "SELECT $this->sql_column_username, $this->sql_column_password FROM $this->sql_table WHERE $this->sql_column_username = :uid"; if($this->sql_column_active != '') $query .= " AND $this->sql_column_active = 1"; OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Preparing query: $query", OC_Log::DEBUG); $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":uid", $uid); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Executing query...", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$result->execute()) { $err = $result->errorInfo(); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Query failed: ".$err[2], OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Fetching row...", OC_Log::DEBUG); $row = $result->fetch(); if(!$row) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Got no row, return false", OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Encrypting and checking password", OC_Log::DEBUG); if($this->pacrypt($password, $row[$this->sql_column_password]) == $row[$this->sql_column_password]) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Passwords matching, return true", OC_Log::DEBUG); if($this->strip_domain) { $uid = explode("@", $uid); $uid = $uid[0]; } return $uid; } else { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Passwords do not match, return false", OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } } /** * @brief Get a list of all users * @returns array with all uids * * Get a list of all users. */ public function getUsers($search = '', $limit = null, $offset = null) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Entering getUsers() with Search: $search, Limit: $limit, Offset: $offset", OC_Log::DEBUG); $users = array(); if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } $query = "SELECT $this->sql_column_username FROM $this->sql_table"; if($search != '') $query .= " WHERE $this->sql_column_username LIKE :search"; if($this->sql_column_active != '') { if($search != '') $query .= " AND"; else $query .= " WHERE"; $query .= " $this->sql_column_active = 1"; } $query .= " ORDER BY $this->sql_column_username"; if($limit != null) { $limit = intval($limit); $query .= " LIMIT $limit"; } if($offset != null) { $offset = intval($offset); $query .= " OFFSET $offset"; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Preparing query: $query", OC_Log::DEBUG); $result = $this->db->prepare($query); if($search != '') { $search = "%$search%"; $result->bindParam(":search", $search); } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Executing query...", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$result->execute()) { $err = $result->errorInfo(); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Query failed: ".$err[2], OC_Log::DEBUG); return array(); } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Fetching results...", OC_Log::DEBUG); while($row = $result->fetch()) { $uid = $row[$this->sql_column_username]; if($this->strip_domain) { $uid = explode("@", $uid); $uid = $uid[0]; } $users[] = strtolower($uid); } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Return list of results", OC_Log::DEBUG); return $users; } /** * @brief check if a user exists * @param string $uid the username * @return boolean */ public function userExists($uid) { - $cacheKey = 'sql_user_exists_' . $uid; - $cacheVal = $this->cache->get($cacheKey); - if(! is_null($cacheVal) ) return (bool) $cacheVal; + $cacheKey = 'sql_user_exists_' . $uid; + $cacheVal = $this->cache->get($cacheKey); + if(!is_null($cacheVal)) return (bool)$cacheVal; OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Entering userExists() for UID: $uid", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } $uid = trim($uid); if($this->default_domain && (strpos($uid, '@') === false)) { $uid .= "@".$this->default_domain; } $uid = strtolower($uid); $query = "SELECT $this->sql_column_username FROM $this->sql_table WHERE $this->sql_column_username = :uid"; if($this->sql_column_active != '') $query .= " AND $this->sql_column_active = 1"; OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Preparing query: $query", OC_Log::DEBUG); $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":uid", $uid); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Executing query...", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$result->execute()) { $err = $result->errorInfo(); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Query failed: ".$err[2], OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Fetching results...", OC_Log::DEBUG); $exists = (bool)$result->fetch(); $this->cache->set($cacheKey, $exists, 60); if(!$exists) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Empty row, user does not exists, return false", OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } else { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "User exists, return true", OC_Log::DEBUG); return true; } } public function getDisplayName($uid) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Entering getDisplayName() for UID: $uid", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } $uid = trim($uid); if($this->default_domain && (strpos($uid, '@') === false)) { $uid .= "@".$this->default_domain; } $uid = strtolower($uid); if(!$this->userExists($uid)) { return false; } $query = "SELECT $this->sql_column_displayname FROM $this->sql_table WHERE $this->sql_column_username = :uid"; if($this->sql_column_active != '') $query .= " AND $this->sql_column_active = 1"; OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Preparing query: $query", OC_Log::DEBUG); $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":uid", $uid); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Executing query...", OC_Log::DEBUG); if(!$result->execute()) { $err = $result->errorInfo(); OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Query failed: ".$err[2], OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Fetching results...", OC_Log::DEBUG); $row = $result->fetch(); if(!$row) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Empty row, user has no display name or does not exist, return false", OC_Log::DEBUG); return false; } else { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "User exists, return true", OC_Log::DEBUG); $displayName = utf8_encode($row[$this->sql_column_displayname]); return $displayName;; } return false; } public function getDisplayNames($search = '', $limit = null, $offset = null) { $uids = $this->getUsers($search, $limit, $offset); $displayNames = array(); foreach($uids as $uid) { $displayNames[$uid] = $this->getDisplayName($uid); } return $displayNames; } /** * The following functions were directly taken from PostfixAdmin and just slightly modified * to suit our needs. * Encrypt a password, using the apparopriate hashing mechanism as defined in * config.inc.php ($this->crypt_type). * When wanting to compare one pw to another, it's necessary to provide the salt used - hence * the second parameter ($pw_db), which is the existing hash from the DB. * * @param string $pw * @param string $encrypted password * @return string encrypted password. */ private function pacrypt ($pw, $pw_db="") { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "Entering private pacrypt()", OC_Log::DEBUG); $pw = stripslashes($pw); $password = ""; $salt = ""; if ($this->crypt_type == 'md5crypt') { $split_salt = preg_split ('/\$/', $pw_db); if (isset ($split_salt[2])) { $salt = $split_salt[2]; } $password = $this->md5crypt ($pw, $salt); } elseif ($this->crypt_type == 'md5') { $password = md5($pw); } elseif ($this->crypt_type == 'system') { // We never generate salts, as user creation is not allowed here $password = crypt ($pw, $pw_db); } elseif ($this->crypt_type == 'cleartext') { $password = $pw; } // See https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=937966&aid=1793352&group_id=191583 // this is apparently useful for pam_mysql etc. elseif ($this->crypt_type == 'mysql_encrypt') { if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } if ($pw_db!="") { $salt=substr($pw_db,0,2); $query = "SELECT ENCRYPT(:pw, :salt);"; } else { $query = "SELECT ENCRYPT(:pw);"; } $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":pw", $pw); if($pw_db != "") $result->bindParam(":salt", $salt); if(!$result->execute()) { return false; } $row = $result->fetch(); if(!$row) { return false; } $password = $row[0]; } elseif($this->crypt_type == 'mysql_password') { if(!$this->db_conn) { return false; } $query = "SELECT PASSWORD(:pw);"; $result = $this->db->prepare($query); $result->bindParam(":pw", $pw); if(!$result->execute()) { return false; } $row = $result->fetch(); if(!$row) { return false; } $password = $row[0]; } // The following is by Frédéric France elseif($this->crypt_type == 'joomla') { $split_salt = preg_split ('/:/', $pw_db); if(isset($split_salt[1])) { $salt = $split_salt[1]; } $password = ($salt) ? md5($pw.$salt) : md5($pw); $password.= ':'.$salt; } else { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "unknown/invalid crypt_type settings: $this->crypt_type", OC_Log::ERROR); die ('unknown/invalid Encryption type setting: ' . $this->crypt_type); } OC_Log::write('OC_USER_SQL', "pacrypt() done, return", OC_Log::DEBUG); return $password; } // // md5crypt // Action: Creates MD5 encrypted password // Call: md5crypt (string cleartextpassword) // private function md5crypt ($pw, $salt="", $magic="") { $MAGIC = "$1$"; if ($magic == "") $magic = $MAGIC; if ($salt == "") $salt = $this->create_salt (); $slist = explode ("$", $salt); if ($slist[0] == "1") $salt = $slist[1]; $salt = substr ($salt, 0, 8); $ctx = $pw . $magic . $salt; $final = $this->pahex2bin (md5 ($pw . $salt . $pw)); for ($i=strlen ($pw); $i>0; $i-=16) { if ($i > 16) { $ctx .= substr ($final,0,16); } else { $ctx .= substr ($final,0,$i); } } $i = strlen ($pw); while ($i > 0) { if ($i & 1) $ctx .= chr (0); else $ctx .= $pw[0]; $i = $i >> 1; } $final = $this->pahex2bin (md5 ($ctx)); for ($i=0;$i<1000;$i++) { $ctx1 = ""; if ($i & 1) { $ctx1 .= $pw; } else { $ctx1 .= substr ($final,0,16); } if ($i % 3) $ctx1 .= $salt; if ($i % 7) $ctx1 .= $pw; if ($i & 1) { $ctx1 .= substr ($final,0,16); } else { $ctx1 .= $pw; } $final = $this->pahex2bin (md5 ($ctx1)); } $passwd = ""; $passwd .= $this->to64 (((ord ($final[0]) << 16) | (ord ($final[6]) << 8) | (ord ($final[12]))), 4); $passwd .= $this->to64 (((ord ($final[1]) << 16) | (ord ($final[7]) << 8) | (ord ($final[13]))), 4); $passwd .= $this->to64 (((ord ($final[2]) << 16) | (ord ($final[8]) << 8) | (ord ($final[14]))), 4); $passwd .= $this->to64 (((ord ($final[3]) << 16) | (ord ($final[9]) << 8) | (ord ($final[15]))), 4); $passwd .= $this->to64 (((ord ($final[4]) << 16) | (ord ($final[10]) << 8) | (ord ($final[5]))), 4); $passwd .= $this->to64 (ord ($final[11]), 2); return "$magic$salt\$$passwd"; } private function create_salt () { srand ((double) microtime ()*1000000); $salt = substr (md5 (rand (0,9999999)), 0, 8); return $salt; } private function pahex2bin ($str) { if(function_exists('hex2bin')) { return hex2bin($str); } else { $len = strlen ($str); $nstr = ""; for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i+=2) { $num = sscanf (substr ($str,$i,2), "%x"); $nstr.=chr ($num[0]); } return $nstr; } } private function to64 ($v, $n) { $ITOA64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $ret = ""; while (($n - 1) >= 0) { $n--; $ret .= $ITOA64[$v & 0x3f]; $v = $v >> 6; } return $ret; } } ?>