diff --git a/plugin.info.txt b/plugin.info.txt --- a/plugin.info.txt +++ b/plugin.info.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ base davcal author Andreas Boehler email dev@aboehler.at -date 2016-08-31 +date 2016-09-12 name Calendar PlugIn with CalDAV sharing support desc Create one calendar per page and share/subscribe via CalDAV url http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:davcal diff --git a/script.js b/script.js --- a/script.js +++ b/script.js @@ -1,851 +1,858 @@ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once fullcalendar-2.4.0/moment.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once fullcalendar-2.4.0/fullcalendar.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once fullcalendar-2.4.0/lang/de.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once fullcalendar-2.4.0/lang/en.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once fullcalendar-2.4.0/lang/fr.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once fullcalendar-2.4.0/lang/nl.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once datetimepicker-2.4.5/jquery.datetimepicker.js */ /* DOKUWIKI:include_once jstz.js */ /** * Initialize the DAVCal script, attaching some event handlers and triggering * the initial load of the fullcalendar JS */ jQuery(function() { // Redefine functions for using moment.js with datetimepicker Date.parseDate = function( input, format ){ return moment(input,format).toDate(); }; Date.prototype.dateFormat = function( format ){ return moment(this).format(format); }; // Attach to event links var calendarpage = jQuery('#fullCalendar').data('calendarpage'); if(!calendarpage) return; dw_davcal__modals.page = calendarpage; jQuery('div.fullCalendarSettings a').each(function() { var $link = jQuery(this); var href = $link.attr('href'); if (!href) return; $link.click( function(e) { dw_davcal__modals.showSettingsDialog(); e.preventDefault(); return ''; } ); } ); // First, retrieve the current settings. // Upon success, initialize fullcalendar. var postArray = { }; jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', { call: 'plugin_davcal', id: dw_davcal__modals.page, page: dw_davcal__modals.page, action: 'getSettings', params: postArray, sectok: JSINFO.plugin.davcal['sectok'] }, function(data) { var result = data['result']; if(result === true) { dw_davcal__modals.settings = data['settings']; var tz = false; if(data['settings']['timezone'] !== '') tz = data['settings']['timezone']; // Force-overwrite thhe timezone setting if requested if(data['settings']['meta']['forcetimezone'] !== 'no') tz = data['settings']['meta']['forcetimezone']; var fcOptions = { dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) { dw_davcal__modals.showEditEventDialog(date, false); }, eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) { dw_davcal__modals.showEditEventDialog(calEvent, true); }, events: { url: DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', type: 'POST', data: { call: 'plugin_davcal', action: 'getEvents', id: dw_davcal__modals.page, page: dw_davcal__modals.page, sectok: JSINFO.plugin.davcal['sectok'] }, error: function() { dw_davcal__modals.msg = LANG.plugins.davcal['error_retrieving_data']; dw_davcal__modals.showDialog(false); } }, header: { left: 'title', center: 'today prev,next', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, lang: JSINFO.plugin.davcal['language'], weekNumbers: (data['settings']['weeknumbers'] == 1) ? true : false, timezone: tz, weekends: (data['settings']['workweek'] == 1) ? false : true, firstDay: (data['settings']['monday'] == 1) ? 1 : 0, defaultView: data['settings']['meta']['view'] }; var timeformat = data['settings']['timeformat']; // Force-overwrite the user's timezone setting if requested by the calendar if(data['settings']['meta']['forcetimeformat'] !== 'no') timeformat = data['settings']['meta']['forcetimeformat']; if(timeformat !== 'lang') { // If the time format is language-based, we don't need to pass // the timeFormat option to fullCalendar if(timeformat == '24h') { fcOptions.timeFormat = 'H:mm'; } if(timeformat == '12h') { fcOptions.timeFormat = 'h:mmt'; } } + for (var key in data['settings']['meta']['fcoptions']) + { + if(!data['settings']['meta']['fcoptions'].hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; + + var val = data['settings']['meta']['fcoptions'][key]; + fcOptions[key] = val; + } var detectedTz = jstz.determine().name(); dw_davcal__modals.detectedTz = detectedTz; // The current TZ value holds either the uers's selection or // the force timezone value dw_davcal__modals.currentTz = (tz === false) ? '' : tz; // Initialize the davcal popup var res = jQuery('#fullCalendar').fullCalendar(fcOptions); } } ); }); /** * This holds all modal windows that DAVCal uses. */ var dw_davcal__modals = { $editEventDialog: null, $dialog: null, $settingsDialog: null, $inputDialog: null, msg: null, completeCb: null, action: null, uid: null, settings: null, page: null, detectedTz: null, currentTz: null, /** * Show the settings dialog */ // FIXME: Hide URLs for multi-calendar showSettingsDialog : function() { if(dw_davcal__modals.$settingsDialog) return; // Dialog buttons are language-dependent and defined here. // Attach event handlers for save and cancel. var dialogButtons = {}; if(!JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_settings']) { dialogButtons[LANG.plugins.davcal['save']] = function() { var postArray = { }; jQuery("input[class=dw_davcal__settings], select[class=dw_davcal__settings]").each(function() { if(jQuery(this).attr('type') == 'checkbox') { postArray[jQuery(this).prop('name')] = jQuery(this).prop('checked') ? 1 : 0; } else { postArray[jQuery(this).prop('name')] = jQuery(this).val(); } }); jQuery('#dw_davcal__ajaxsettings').html(''); jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', { call: 'plugin_davcal', id: dw_davcal__modals.page, page: dw_davcal__modals.page, action: 'saveSettings', params: postArray, sectok: JSINFO.plugin.davcal['sectok'] }, function(data) { var result = data['result']; var html = data['html']; jQuery('#dw_davcal__ajaxsettings').html(html); if(result === true) { location.reload(); } } ); }; } dialogButtons[LANG.plugins.davcal['cancel']] = function () { dw_davcal__modals.hideSettingsDialog(); }; var settingsHtml = '
'; if(JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_settings'] && JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_sync'] && JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_ics']) { settingsHtml += LANG.plugins.davcal['nothing_to_show']; } if(!JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_settings']) { settingsHtml += '' + '' + '' + '' + ''; } if(!JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_sync']) { settingsHtml += ''; settingsHtml += ''; } if(!JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_ics']) { settingsHtml += ''; } settingsHtml += '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['timezone'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['timeformat'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['weeknumbers'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['only_workweek'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['start_monday'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['sync_url'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['sync_ical'] + '
' + LANG.plugins.davcal['private_url'] + '
' + '
' + '
'; dw_davcal__modals.$settingsDialog = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: true, // fix for dragging: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17247486/jquery-ui-dialog-dragging-issues drag: function(event, ui) { var fixPix = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); iObj = ui.position; iObj.top = iObj.top - fixPix; jQuery(this).closest(".ui-dialog").css("top", iObj.top + "px"); }, title: LANG.plugins.davcal['settings'], resizable: true, buttons: dialogButtons, }) .html( settingsHtml ) .parent() .attr('id','dw_davcal__settings') .show() .appendTo('.dokuwiki:first'); jQuery('#dw_davcal__settings').position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: window }); // Initialize current settings if(!JSINFO.plugin.davcal['disable_settings']) { var $tzdropdown = jQuery('#dw_davcal__settings_timezone'); jQuery('#fullCalendarTimezoneList option').each(function() { jQuery(''); } if(edit || (dw_davcal__modals.settings['calids'].length < 1)) { $dropdown.prop('disabled', true); } // Set up existing/predefined values jQuery('#dw_davcal__tz_edit').val(dw_davcal__modals.detectedTz); jQuery('#dw_davcal__currenttz_edit').val(dw_davcal__modals.currentTz); jQuery('#dw_davcal__uid_edit').val(calEvent.id); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventname_edit').val(calEvent.title); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventfrom_edit').val(calEvent.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventfromtime_edit').val(calEvent.start.format('HH:mm')); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventdescription_edit').val(calEvent.description); if(calEvent.attachments && (calEvent.attachments !== null)) { for(var i=0; i' + url + '' + LANG.plugins.davcal['delete'] + ''; jQuery('#dw_davcal__editevent_attachments > tbody:last').append(row); } } dw_davcal__modals.attachAttachmentDeleteHandlers(); jQuery('#dw_davcal__editevent_attach').on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var url = jQuery('#dw_davcal__editevent_attachment').val(); if(url == '') return false; jQuery('#dw_davcal__editevent_attachment').val('http://'); var row = '' + url + '' + LANG.plugins.davcal['delete'] + ''; jQuery('#dw_davcal__editevent_attachments > tbody:last').append(row); dw_davcal__modals.attachAttachmentDeleteHandlers(); return false; }); if(calEvent.allDay && (calEvent.end === null)) { jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventto_edit').val(calEvent.start.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventtotime_edit').val(calEvent.start.format('HH:mm')); } else if(calEvent.allDay) { endEvent = moment(calEvent.end); endEvent.subtract(1, 'days'); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventto_edit').val(endEvent.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventotime_edit').val(endEvent.format('HH:mm')); } else { jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventto_edit').val(calEvent.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventtotime_edit').val(calEvent.end.format('HH:mm')); } jQuery('#dw_davcal__allday_edit').prop('checked', calEvent.allDay); // attach event handlers jQuery('#dw_davcal__edit .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').click(function(){ dw_davcal__modals.hideEditEventDialog(); }); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventfrom_edit').datetimepicker({format:'YYYY-MM-DD', formatDate:'YYYY-MM-DD', datepicker: true, timepicker: false, }); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventfromtime_edit').datetimepicker({format:'HH:mm', formatTime:'HH:mm', datepicker: false, timepicker: true, step: 15}); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventto_edit').datetimepicker({format:'YYYY-MM-DD', formatDate:'YYYY-MM-DD', datepicker: true, timepicker: false, }); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventtotime_edit').datetimepicker({format:'HH:mm', formatTime:'HH:mm', datepicker: false, timepicker: true, step:15}); jQuery('#dw_davcal__allday_edit').change(function() { if(jQuery(this).is(":checked")) { jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventfromtime_edit').prop('readonly', true); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventtotime_edit').prop('readonly', true); } else { jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventfromtime_edit').prop('readonly', false); jQuery('#dw_davcal__eventtotime_edit').prop('readonly', false); } }); jQuery('#dw_davcal__allday_edit').change(); }, /** * Attach handles to delete the attachments to all 'delete' links */ attachAttachmentDeleteHandlers: function() { jQuery("#dw_davcal__editevent_attachments .deleteLink").on("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var tr = jQuery(this).closest('tr'); tr.css("background-color", "#FF3700"); tr.fadeOut(400, function() { tr.remove(); }); return false; }); }, /** * Show an info/confirmation dialog * @param {Object} confirm Whether a confirmation dialog (true) or an info dialog (false) is requested */ showDialog : function(confirm) { if(dw_davcal__modals.$confirmDialog) return; var dialogButtons = {}; var title = ''; if(confirm) { title = LANG.plugins.davcal['confirmation']; var pageid = jQuery("#dw_davcal__editevent_calendar option:selected").val(); dialogButtons[LANG.plugins.davcal['yes']] = function() { jQuery.post( DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', { call: 'plugin_davcal', id: pageid, page: dw_davcal__modals.page, action: dw_davcal__modals.action, params: { uid: dw_davcal__modals.uid }, sectok: JSINFO.plugin.davcal['sectok'] }, function(data) { dw_davcal__modals.completeCb(data); } ); dw_davcal__modals.hideDialog(); }; dialogButtons[LANG.plugins.davcal['cancel']] = function() { dw_davcal__modals.hideDialog(); }; } else { title = LANG.plugins.davcal['info']; dialogButtons[LANG.plugins.davcal['ok']] = function() { dw_davcal__modals.hideDialog(); }; } dw_davcal__modals.$dialog = jQuery(document.createElement('div')) .dialog({ autoOpen: false, draggable: true, //fix for dragging: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17247486/jquery-ui-dialog-dragging-issues drag: function(event, ui) { var fixPix = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); iObj = ui.position; iObj.top = iObj.top - fixPix; jQuery(this).closest(".ui-dialog").css("top", iObj.top + "px"); }, title: title, resizable: true, buttons: dialogButtons, }) .html( '
' + dw_davcal__modals.msg + '
' ) .parent() .attr('id','dw_davcal__confirm') .show() .appendTo('.dokuwiki:first'); jQuery('#dw_davcal__confirm').position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: window }); // attach event handlers jQuery('#dw_davcal__confirm .ui-dialog-titlebar-close').click(function(){ dw_davcal__modals.hideDialog(); }); }, /** * Hide the edit event dialog */ hideEditEventDialog : function() { dw_davcal__modals.$editEventDialog.empty(); dw_davcal__modals.$editEventDialog.remove(); dw_davcal__modals.$editEventDialog = null; }, /** * Hide the confirm/info dialog */ hideDialog: function() { dw_davcal__modals.$dialog.empty(); dw_davcal__modals.$dialog.remove(); dw_davcal__modals.$dialog = null; }, /** * Hide the settings dialog */ hideSettingsDialog: function() { dw_davcal__modals.$settingsDialog.empty(); dw_davcal__modals.$settingsDialog.remove(); dw_davcal__modals.$settingsDialog = null; } }; diff --git a/syntax/calendar.php b/syntax/calendar.php --- a/syntax/calendar.php +++ b/syntax/calendar.php @@ -1,201 +1,210 @@ */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); class syntax_plugin_davcal_calendar extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { protected $hlp = null; // Load the helper plugin public function syntax_plugin_davcal_calendar() { $this->hlp =& plugin_load('helper', 'davcal'); } /** * What kind of syntax are we? */ function getType(){ return 'substition'; } /** * What about paragraphs? */ function getPType(){ return 'normal'; } /** * Where to sort in? */ function getSort(){ return 165; } /** * Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{davcal>[^}]*\}\}',$mode,'plugin_davcal_calendar'); $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\{davcalclient>[^}]*\}\}',$mode,'plugin_davcal_calendar'); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){ global $ID; $data = array('name' => $ID, 'description' => $this->getLang('created_by_davcal'), 'id' => array(), 'settings' => 'show', 'view' => 'month', 'forcetimezone' => 'no', - 'forcetimeformat' => 'no' + 'forcetimeformat' => 'no', + 'fcoptions' => array(), ); if(strpos($match, '{{davcalclient') === 0) { $options = trim(substr($match,15,-2)); $defaultId = $this->getConf('default_client_id'); if(isset($defaultId) && ($defaultId != '')) { $data['id'][$defaultId] = null; $lastid = $defaultId; } } else { $options = trim(substr($match,9,-2)); $lastid = $ID; } $options = explode(',', $options); foreach($options as $option) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', $option); $key = strtolower(trim($key)); $val = trim($val); switch($key) { case 'id': $lastid = $val; if(!in_array($val, $data['id'])) $data['id'][$val] = null; break; case 'color': $data['id'][$lastid] = $val; break; case 'view': if(in_array($val, array('month', 'basicDay', 'basicWeek', 'agendaWeek', 'agendaDay'))) $data['view'] = $val; else $data['view'] = 'month'; break; + case 'fcoptions': + $fcoptions = explode(';', $val); + foreach($fcoptions as $opt) + { + list($o, $v) = explode(':', $opt, 2); + $data['fcoptions'][$o] = $v; + } + break; case 'forcetimezone': $tzlist = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::ALL); if(in_array($val, $tzlist) || $val === 'no') $data['forcetimezone'] = $val; else msg($this->getLang('error_timezone_not_in_list'), -1); break; case 'forcetimeformat': $tfopt = array('lang', '24h', '12h'); if(in_array($val, $tfopt) || $val === 'no') $data['forcetimeformat'] = $val; else msg($this->getLang('error_option_error'), -1); break; default: $data[$key] = $val; } } // Handle the default case when the user didn't enter a different ID if(empty($data['id'])) { $data['id'] = array($ID => null); } // Fix up the colors, if no color information is given foreach($data['id'] as $id => $color) { if(is_null($color)) { // If this is the current calendar or a WebDAV calendar, use the // default color if(($id === $ID) || (strpos($id, 'webdav://') === 0)) { $data['id'][$id] = '#3a87ad'; } // Otherwise, retrieve the color information from the calendar settings else { $calid = $this->hlp->getCalendarIdForPage($ID); $settings = $this->hlp->getCalendarSettings($calid); $color = $settings['calendarcolor']; $data['id'][$id] = $color; } } } // Only update the calendar name/description if the ID matches the page ID. // Otherwise, the calendar is included in another page and we don't want // to interfere with its data. if(in_array($ID, array_keys($data['id']))) { if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && !is_null($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) $username = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; else $username = uniqid('davcal-'); $this->hlp->setCalendarNameForPage($data['name'], $data['description'], $ID, $username); $this->hlp->setCalendarColorForPage($data['id'][$ID], $ID); } p_set_metadata($ID, array('plugin_davcal' => $data)); return $data; } /** * Create output */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $R, $data) { if($format != 'xhtml') return false; global $ID; $tzlist = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::ALL); // Render the Calendar. Timezone list is within a hidden div, // the calendar ID is in a data-calendarid tag. if($data['forcetimezone'] !== 'no') $R->doc .= '
'.sprintf($this->getLang('this_calendar_uses_timezone'), $data['forcetimezone']).'
'; $R->doc .= '
'; $R->doc .= ''; if(($this->getConf('hide_settings') !== 1) && ($data['settings'] !== 'hide')) { $R->doc .= '
'; } } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:enc=utf-8: