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diff --git a/ b/
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--- /dev/null
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+(c) 2009 Andreas Boehler,,
+(c) 2009 Patrick Huebner,
+based on found online (through Google, doesn't seem to be published anymore)
+Source: saved as
+v1.9.2, 2009/05/22
+Feature: Speed improvement by 100% by switching from simpleosc to pyliblo!
+ Drawback: pyliblo must be manually compiled on OS X
+v1.9.1, 2009/05/18
+Fix duplicate packet handling on OS X (again)
+v1.9.0, 2009/05/18 - first version towards a 2.0.0 release
+Completely reworked packet handling
+Memory reading and writing should be more robust now
+Reworked Initialization sequence
+BalanceBoard initialization on OS X should work now
+Fixed OS X compatibility by handling duplicate packets differently
+v1.8.2, 2009/05/12
+Feature: Nunchuk disconnection works properly
+v1.8.1, 2009/05/12
+Bugfix: BalanceBoard works now (IR must not be enabled on the BB; Setting the
+registers seems to influence the BalanceBoard's sensitivity.
+Note: On OS X the BalanceBoard sometimes does not work because of limitations
+in the Perfect Pairing Patch of OSCulator. Author contacted!
+v1.8, 2009/05/11
+Bugfix: Connection with inserted nunchuk fixed
+Bugfix: Restructure
+Feature: Removed some cmd-line arguments, thus making backend invocation easier
+Feature: Completely reworked initialization sequence
+v1.7.5, 2009/05/11
+Feature: Setup is now completely automatic, no need to configure anymore!
+Note: When Nunchuk is connected upon startup, connection fails sometimes!
+v1.7.4, 2009/05/09
+Bugfix: Fix for BalanceBoard Extension Controller
+Bugfix: Fix IR not working when Nunchuk connected (initialization error)
+v1.7.3, 2009/05/07
+Bugfix: Device not Found had a logical Error: it could never be reached
+Documentation updates everywhere in the code
+v1.7.2, 2009/05/06
+Bugfix: Duplicate Devices found on Win32 are now removed
+v1.7.1, 2009/05/06
+Bugfix: Fixed OSC IR sending code
+v1.7, 2009/05/05
+Feature & Bugfix: Correctly handle duplicate packets (mainly on OS X)
+v1.6.4, 2009/04/27
+Bugfix: Fixed Device Discovery OSC Message on OS X (Unicode String Problem)
+Cleaned up the code a bit
+v1.6.3, 2009/04/25
+Bugfix: Correctly exit on OS X
+Feature: OSC Message if no device was found
+v1.6.2, 2009/04/25
+Bugfix: Correctly handle OS X connection error
+v1.6.1, 2009/04/24
+Bugfix: Make backend correctly handle CTRL-BREAK
+v1.6, 2009/04/23
+Feature: Added Discovery Routine
+v1.5, 2009/04/21
+Bugfix: Fixed OS X Compatibility
+v1.4, 2009/04/20 (2:00 AM)
+Feature: Added support for Nyko Wireless Nunchuk by Sniffing the original handshake
+Feature: Added Status support
+Feature: Added support for Datel Wirelesse Nunchuk
+Feature: Insertion of a Nunchuk is now automatically detected and should be initialized automatically
+v1.3, 2009/04/03
+Feature: Moved existing code into Backend using Command-Line Parameters
+v1.2, 2009/03/31
+Feature: Added basic BalanceBoard support
+Bug: Fixed Extension Controller initialization sequence
+v1.1, 2009/03/17
+Feature: Added Nunchuk-Connection Check
+Feature: Added some more configuration variable on the top
+Feature: Added Nunchuk Buttons -> Nunchuk is now FULLY SUPPORTED!
+v1.0, 2009/03/17
+Feature: Added IR support in Nunchuk Mode
+Feature: Added ACC support in Nunchuk Mode
+Feature: Added OSC support for IR
+Feature: Added OSC support for Nunchuk Accelerometers
+v0.4, 2009/03/16
+Feature: Added (untested) Nunchuk support
+v0.3, 2009/03/13
+Bug: Fixed OS X compatibility (one MUST install lightblue using sudo!)
+v0.2, 2009/03/12
+Feature: Added OSC button support
+Feature: Added (untested) Mac support
+v0.1, 2009/03/06
+Feature: Initial OSC functionality (ACC only)
+Feature: Runs correctly on XP and Linux
+* Cleanup the Code!
+* If no Nunchuk is present, but activated, C/Z are always activated!
+import sys
+if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ import lightblue
+ import bluetooth
+# The following enables correct termination on OS X and Win32
+import signal
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGBREAK, signal.default_int_handler)
+ signal.signal(15, signal.default_int_handler)
+import math
+import time
+import liblo
+import struct
+# We control the Backend using command-line parameters; one can launch the backend
+# directly or use the frontend to control the backend using OSC.
+from optparse import OptionParser
+parser = OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("-v","--verbose",dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="output extra information")
+parser.add_option("-a","--address", dest="address", help="WiiMote Address to connect to")
+parser.add_option("-n","--number", dest="number", help="Number of Wiimote", default=0, type="int")
+parser.add_option("-o","--osc", dest="osc_ip", help="OSC IP Address", default="")
+parser.add_option("-p","--port", dest="osc_port", help="OSC Port", default=5600, type="int")
+parser.add_option("-s", "--scan", dest="scan", help="Scan for Devices", default=False, action="store_true")
+(opt,argv) = parser.parse_args()
+if not opt.address:
+ parser.error("No Address given, will now quit")
+OSC_IP = opt.osc_ip.strip()
+OSC_PORT = opt.osc_port
+def i2bs(x):
+ '''Convert a (32-bit) int to a list of 4 byte values, e.g.
+ i2bs(0xdeadbeef) = [222,173,190,239]
+ 12bs(0x4) = [0,0,0,4]'''
+ out=[]
+ while x or len(out) < 4:
+ out = [x & 0xff] + out
+ x = x >> 8
+ return out
+buttonmap = {
+ '2': 0x0001,
+ '1': 0x0002,
+ 'B': 0x0004,
+ 'A': 0x0008,
+ '-': 0x0010,
+ 'H': 0x0080,
+ 'L': 0x0100,
+ 'R': 0x0200,
+ 'D': 0x0400,
+ 'U': 0x0800,
+ '+': 0x1000,
+nunchmap = {
+ 'C': 0x0002,
+ 'Z': 0x0001,
+statusmap = {
+ 'Bat': 0x01,
+ 'Ext': 0x02,
+ 'Spk': 0x04,
+ 'IR' : 0x08,
+ 'L1' : 0x10,
+ 'L2' : 0x20,
+ 'L3' : 0x40,
+ 'L4' : 0x80,
+# BLUH. These should be less C-ish.
+RID_LEDS = 0x11
+RID_MODE = 0x12
+RID_IR_EN = 0x13
+RID_SPK_EN = 0x14
+RID_STATUS = 0x15
+RID_WMEM = 0x16
+RID_RMEM = 0x17
+RID_SPK = 0x18
+RID_SPK_MUTE = 0x19
+RID_IR_EN2 = 0x1a
+MODE_BASIC = 0x30
+MODE_ACC = 0x31
+MODE_IR = 0x33 # 0x32 Shouldn't this be 0x33???
+MODE_FULL = 0x3e # Currently unused
+MODE_EXT = 0x37 # We should use this mode to read from the Nunchuk
+MODE_BB = 0x32 # This is used for the BalanceBoard
+# Max value for IR dots
+DOT_MAX = 0x3ff
+The Wiimote class handles all communication and is responsible for
+receiving and decrypting packets
+class Wiimote(object):
+ def __init__(self,addr,number=0):
+ = liblo.Address(OSC_IP, OSC_PORT)
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ self.osx = True
+ else:
+ self.osx = False
+ self.connected=False
+ self.done=False
+ self.addr=addr
+ self.number=number
+ self.mode = 0
+ self.ledmask = 0
+ self.buttonmask = 0
+ self.nunchmask = 0
+ self.force = [0,0,0]
+ self.force_nunch= [0,0,0]
+ self.stick_nunch= [0,0]
+ self.force_zero = [0,0,0]
+ self.bb_force = [0,0,0,0]
+ self.force_1g = [0,0,0]
+ self.statusmask = 0
+ self.batterylevel = 0
+ self.ack = False
+ self.memresult = False
+ self.bundle = None
+ self.force_1g_diff = [0,0,0] # Difference between zero and 1g
+ if self.osx:
+ self.rx = lightblue.socket(lightblue.L2CAP)
+ = lightblue.socket(lightblue.L2CAP)
+ else:
+ self.rx = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP)
+ = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP)
+ def connect(self):
+ try:
+ self.rx.connect((self.addr,19))
+ self.connected = True
+ except:
+ self.connected = False
+ print "Connection Failed"
+ self.initialize()
+ def disconnect(self):
+ self.rx.close()
+ self.connected=False
+ def mainloop(self):
+ while not self.done:
+ self._getpacket()
+ def initialize(self):
+ self.enable_extension()
+ self.getstatus()
+ while self.batterylevel == 0: # batterylevel is used b/c self.statusmask=0 if no extension is inserted
+ self._getpacket()
+ if self.mode != MODE_BB:
+ self.setled(self.number)
+ def _handle_button_data(self,data): # Handle Button Data
+ buttonlist='+UDLRH-AB12'
+ newmask = (ord(data[2])<<8)+ord(data[3])
+ self.buttonmask = newmask
+ for c in buttonlist:
+ if self.buttonmask & buttonmap[c]:
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/button/"+c, 1))
+ def _handle_status_data(self, data): # Status Data handling
+ if len(data) != 8: return False
+ statuslist = ['Bat', 'Ext', 'Spk', 'IR', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4']
+ newmask = ord(data[4])
+ if newmask & statusmap['Ext'] and not self.statusmask & statusmap['Ext']:
+ print "Extension inserted"
+ self.enable_extension() # We repeat the initalization sequence; this is a workaround for the Datel Wireless Nunchuk
+ self.enable_extension()
+ if not newmask & statusmap['Ext'] and self.statusmask & statusmap['Ext']:
+ print "Extension removed"
+ self.enable_extension()
+ self.statusmask = newmask
+ self.batterylevel = ord(data[7])
+ for c in statuslist:
+ if self.statusmask & statusmap[c]:
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/status/"+c, 1))
+ else:
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/status/"+c, 0))
+ print self.batterylevel
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/batterylevel", self.batterylevel))
+ def _handle_force_data(self,data):
+ if len(data) != 3: return False
+ self.force = [ord(d) for d in data]
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/acc", self.force[0], self.force[1], self.force[2]))
+# self.force_calib = [self.force[0] - self.force_zero[0], self.force[1] - self.force_zero[1], self.force[2] - self.force_zero[2]]
+ return True
+ def _handle_bb_data(self, data): # Handle BalanceBoard Data
+ a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = [ord(d) for d in data]
+ tr = (a << 8) + b
+ br = (c << 8) + d
+ tl = (e << 8) + f
+ bl = (g << 8) + h
+ self.bb_force = [tr,br,tl,bl]
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/bb/force", self.bb_force[0], self.bb_force[1], self.bb_force[2]))
+ def _handle_ext_data(self,data): # This gives only the raw Extension data
+ nunchlist = 'CZ'
+ acc = data[2:5]
+ stick = data[0:2]
+ self.nunchmask = ord(data[5]) & 0x03
+ self.force_nunch = [ord(d) for d in acc]
+ self.stick_nunch = [ord(d) for d in stick]
+ for c in nunchlist:
+ if not self.nunchmask & nunchmap[c]:
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/nunchuk/button/"+c, 1))
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/nunchuk/acc", self.force_nunch[0], self.force_nunch[1], self.force_nunch[2]))
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/nunchuk/stick", self.stick_nunch[0], self.stick_nunch[1]))
+ return True
+ def _handle_IR_data(self,data): # Handle Infrared Data
+ """
+ There are two (in fact, three) possible infrared modes we need to distinguish
+ basic, extended and full, but only basic and extended are covered here
+ """
+ if len(data) == 12: # The Mote can track 4 points
+ self.dots = self._handle_IR_ext(data[0:6])
+ self.dots.extend(self._handle_IR_ext(data[6:12]))
+ elif len(data) == 10:
+ self.dots = self._handle_IR_basic(data[0:5])
+ self.dots.extend(self._handle_IR_basic(data[5:10]))
+ else: return False
+ self.bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/irdata", self.dots[0], self.dots[1], self.dots[2], self.dots[3], self.dots[4], self.dots[5], self.dots[6], self.dots[7]))
+ def _handle_IR_basic(self,data): # Handle Basic IR Data
+ if data == '\xff'*5: # No Dot found
+ else:
+ a,b,c,d,e = [ord(d) for d in data]
+ x1 = a+((c & 0x30) << 4)
+ y1 = b+((c & 0xc0) << 2)
+ x2 = d+((c & 0x03) << 8)
+ y2 = e+((c & 0x0c) << 6)
+ dots = [x1,y1,x2,y2]
+ return dots
+ def _handle_IR_ext(self,data): # Handle extended IR data
+ if len(data) != 6: return False
+ if data ==' \xff'*6:
+ else:
+ a,b,c,d,e,f = [ord(d) for d in data]
+ # processing dots:
+ # each tuple is 3 bytes in the form: x,y,extra
+ # extra contains 8 bits of extra data as follows: [yyxxssss]
+ # x and y are the high two bits for the full 10-bit x/y values.
+ # s is size data
+ x1=a+((c & 0x30) << 4)
+ y1=b+((c & 0xc0) << 2)
+ x2=d+((f & 0x30) << 4)
+ y2=e+((f & 0xc0) << 2)
+ dots=[x1,y1,x2,y2]
+ return dots
+ def _getpacket(self): # Receive packet and call handling routine
+ try:
+ data = self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handlepacket(data)
+ except:
+ print "Error receiving data"
+ self.done = True
+ def _handlepacket(self, data): # This handles packet data
+ """ Duplicate packets are handled recursively: The packet length
+ for the returned mode is checked against the appropriate length.
+ If that doesn't match, the remaining string is handled again.
+ If the remaining string is too short, Data is received again.
+ """
+ self.bundle = liblo.Bundle()
+ if len(data) < 2:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ if data.startswith('\xa1\x20'): # status
+ if len(data) < 8:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handle_status_data(data[0:8])
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 8:
+ self._handlepacket(data[8:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x21'): # Read Memory
+ if len(data) < 23:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self.memresult = data[0:23]
+ if len(data) > 23:
+ self._handlepacket(data[23:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x22'): # Acknowledge Command
+ if len(data) < 6:
+ self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self.ack = True
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 6:
+ self._handlepacket(data[6:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x30'): # button
+ if len(data) < 4:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 4:
+ self._handlepacket(data[4:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x31'): # button + accelerometer
+ if len(data) < 7:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ self._handle_force_data(data[4:7])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 7:
+ self._handlepacket(data[7:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x32'): # button + 8 extensions bytes (BalanceBoard)
+ if len(data) < 12:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ self._handle_bb_data(data[4:12])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 12:
+ self._handlepacket(data[12:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x33'): # button + accel + IR
+ if len(data) < 19:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ self._handle_force_data(data[4:7])
+ self._handle_IR_data(data[7:19])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 19:
+ self._handlepacket(data[19:])
+ elif data.startswith('\xa1\x37'): # button + accel + IR + Nunchuk
+ if len(data) < 23:
+ data += self.rx.recv(1024)
+ self._handle_button_data(data[0:4])
+ self._handle_force_data(data[4:7])
+ self._handle_IR_data(data[7:17])
+ self._handle_ext_data(data[17:23])
+ liblo.send(, self.bundle)
+ if len(data) > 23:
+ self._handlepacket(data[23:])
+ elif len(data) == 0: # Wiimote went away!
+ self.done = True
+ else:
+ print "Unknown packet len %i: 0x%s" % (len(data),data.encode("hex"))
+ def setled(self,num): # Enable a given LED
+ if num < 4:
+ self.ledmask = self.ledmask | (0x10 << num)
+ self._led_command()
+ def clearled(self,num): # Disable a given LED
+ if num < 4:
+ self.ledmask = self.ledmask & ~(0x10 << num)
+ self._led_command()
+ def getstatus(self): # Read the WiiMotes Status
+ self._send_command(CMD_SET_REPORT,RID_STATUS,[0])
+ def buttons_str(self): # Used only for Verbose Output
+ buttonlist='+UDLRH-AB12'
+ nunchlist = 'CZ'
+ out=''
+ for c in buttonlist:
+ if not self.buttonmask & buttonmap[c]:
+ c = '.'
+ out = out + c
+ for c in nunchlist:
+ if self.nunchmask & nunchmap[c]:
+ c = '.'
+ out = out + c
+ return out
+ def force_str(self): # Used only for Verbose Output
+ return "(% 4i,% 4i,% 4i)" % (self.force[0]-self.force_zero[0],
+ self.force[1]-self.force_zero[1],
+ self.force[2]-self.force_zero[2])
+ def dots_str(self): # Used only for Verbose Output
+ #print self.dots
+ return "((%4i,%4i),(%4i,%4i))" % (self.dots[0], self.dots[1], self.dots[2], self.dots[3])
+ def status_str(self): # Used only for Verbose Output
+ return "%i: %s force=%s dots=%s stick=%s nf=%s bb=%s" % \
+ (self.number,self.buttons_str(),self.force_str(),self.dots_str(),str(self.stick_nunch), str(self.force_nunch), str(self.bb_force))
+ def showstatus(self): # Verbose Output
+ sys.stdout.write(self.status_str() + "\r")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def setmode(self,mode): # Send desired Mode to Mote
+ self.mode = mode
+ # XXX has flags for setting 0x01 in the first byte for
+ # 'rmbl' and 0x04 for 'cont'. Both of these are always off.
+ # No idea why.
+ self._send_command(CMD_SET_REPORT,RID_MODE,[0,mode])
+ def enable_force(self): # Enable Accelerometer and read Calibration Data
+ #self.setmode(self.mode | MODE_ACC)
+ self.get_force_calibration()
+ def enable_IR(self): # Enable the Infrared Device
+ if self.mode != MODE_EXT and self.mode != MODE_BB: # TODO: MODE_BB is not used here, right?
+ self.setmode(self.mode | MODE_IR)
+ self._send_command(CMD_SET_REPORT,RID_IR_EN2,[FEATURE_ENABLE])
+ # Enable IR device
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00030,[0x01])
+ # Set sensitivity constants
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00030,[0x08])
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00006,[0x90]) # Write Block1 in 2 individual bytes; Suggested by Marcan
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00008,[0xc0]) # Write Block1 second half; Suggested by Marcan
+ self._write_mem(0x04b0001a,[0x40]) # Write Block2 as suggested by Marcan
+ if self.mode != 0x37: # This is Extended Mode
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00033,[0x33]) # Write Mode Number; Why is it 0x33??
+ else:
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00033,[0x31]) # Basic Mode
+ # Enable IR data output
+ self._write_mem(0x04b00030,[8])
+ def enable_extension(self): # Enable Nunchuk; This procedure should work on Original and 3rd party Nunchuks!
+ self._write_mem(0x04a400f0,[0x55])
+ self._write_mem(0x04a400fb,[0x00])
+ ext_data = self._read_mem(0x04a400fa,6)
+ if ext_data[2:6] == "\xa4\x20\x00\x00":
+ self._write_mem(0x04a40040,[0x05, 0xa0, 0xb2, 0x1d, 0x98, 0xac]) # Set up 16 byte encryption key
+ self._write_mem(0x04a40046,[0x8b, 0x26, 0xc1, 0xd9, 0x39, 0x64]) # It is necessary for 3rd party Nunchuk
+ self._write_mem(0x04a4004c,[0x52, 0x0c, 0x73, 0x05])
+ self.setmode(MODE_EXT) # The mode MUST be set right now, not beforehand (3rd party Nunchuk!)
+ print "Nunchuk connected, using 10 Byte IR"
+ self.enable_IR() # IR needs to be re-enabled to work correctly
+ elif ext_data[2:6] == "\xa4\x20\x04\x02":
+ self.setmode(MODE_BB)
+ self.setled(0)
+ print "BalanceBoard connected"
+ self.get_bb_calibration()
+ else:
+ print "Extension not connected, using 12 Byte IR"
+ self.setmode(MODE_IR)
+ self.enable_force()
+ self.enable_IR()
+ def get_bb_calibration(self): # This is not a very nice function...
+ bundle = liblo.Bundle()
+ data1 = self._read_mem(0x04a40024, 12) # Get the first half of calibration data
+ data2 = self._read_mem(0x04a40030, 12)
+ if data1:
+ a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p = [ord(d) for d in data1]
+ tr0 = (a << 8) + b
+ br0 = (c << 8) + d
+ tl0 = (e << 8) + f
+ bl0 = (g << 8) + h
+ tr17 = (i << 8) + j
+ br17 = (k << 8) + l
+ if data2:
+ a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p = [ord(d) for d in data2]
+ tl17 = (a << 8) + b
+ bl17 = (c << 8) + d
+ tr34 = (e << 8) + f
+ br34 = (g << 8) + h
+ tl34 = (i << 8) + j
+ bl34 = (k << 8) + l
+ if data1 and data2:
+ self.bb_calib = [tr0,br0,tl0,bl0,tr17,br17,tl17,bl17,tr34,br34,tl34,bl34]
+ #print self.bb_calib
+ bundle.add(liblo.Message("/wii/"+str(self.number)+"/bb/calib", tr0, br0, tl0, bl0, tr17, br17, tl17, bl17, tr34, br34, tl34, bl34))
+ liblo.send(, bundle)
+ def get_force_calibration(self): # Retrieve Acc calibration Data
+ # FIXME: calib data is never sent via OSC
+ data = None
+ n = 0
+ while data == None and n<32:
+ data = self._read_mem(0x16,10)
+ n = n+1
+ if data:
+ data=[ord(b) for b in data]
+ self.force_zero = data[0:3]
+ self.force_1g = data[4:7]
+ # XXX currently we don't know what data[3], data[7], or data[8:9] are
+ # Calculate the difference between zero and 1g for each axis
+ for b in range(0,3):
+ self.force_1g_diff[b] = self.force_1g[b] - self.force_zero[b]
+ def _led_command(self): # Send LED commands to the WiiMote
+ self._send_command(CMD_SET_REPORT,RID_LEDS,[self.ledmask])
+ def _waitforok(self): # Wait for OK/ACK packet
+ n = 0
+ while not self.ack and n<32:
+ self._getpacket()
+ n = n + 1
+ self.ack = False
+ def _read_mem(self,offset,size): # Read a given memory address
+ if size >= 16:
+ print "ERROR: _read_mem can't handle size > 15 yet"
+ return None
+ # RMEM command wants: [offset,size]
+ self._send_command(CMD_SET_REPORT,RID_RMEM,i2bs(offset)+[0,size])
+ n = 0
+ while not self.memresult and n<32:
+ self._getpacket()
+ n = n + 1
+ data = self.memresult
+ self.memresult = False
+ if data:
+ # TODO check error flag, continuation, etc
+ return data[7:]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _write_mem(self,offset,data): # Write to memory
+ # WMEM command wants: [offset,size,data]
+ # offset = 32-bit, bigendian. data is 0-padded to 16 bytes.
+ size = len(data)
+ if size > 16: return False # Too much data!
+ if size < 16: data = data + [0]*(16-size)
+ self._send_command(CMD_SET_REPORT,RID_WMEM,i2bs(offset)+[size]+data)
+ self._waitforok()
+ def _send_command(self,cmd,report,data): # Send a specific command
+ + chr(report) + "".join([chr(d) for d in data]))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if opt.scan:
+ target = liblo.Address(OSC_IP, OSC_PORT)
+ print 'Discovering Bluetooth Devices, please wait...'
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ devicelist = lightblue.finddevices()
+ else:
+ devicelist = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names = True)
+ devicefound = False
+ if len(devicelist) > 0: # If devices are found, cycle through the list and check the names
+ devicelist = list(set(devicelist)) # This removes duplicates on Win32; really nice function!
+ for ii in range(0,len(devicelist)):
+ if devicelist[ii][1] == 'Nintendo RVL-CNT-01' or devicelist[ii][1] == 'Nintendo RVL-WBC-01':
+ liblo.send(target, liblo.Message('/wii/devices', devicelist[ii][0], devicelist[ii][1].encode()))
+ print 'Found: ' + devicelist[ii][0] + ' ' + devicelist[ii][1]
+ devicefound = True
+ if devicefound:
+ print "Done discovering"
+ print "Continue with connecting"
+ devicefound = False
+ else:
+ liblo.send(target, liblo.Message('/wii/devices', '0', 'nodev'))
+ print "No device was found. - Try again"
+ else: # No scan was requested, just start to capture packets
+ print "Connecting - press 1+2 on your Wiimote."
+ w = Wiimote(opt.address.strip(), opt.number)
+ w.connect()
+ if w.connected: # Only enable and initalize the controller, if connection was successful
+# w.getstatus() # Before we start capturing, we retrieve status information
+ try:
+ last=time.time()
+ while not w.done:
+ w._getpacket()
+ if opt.verbose:
+ w.showstatus()
+ finally:
+ w.disconnect()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Frontend for
+(c) 2009 Andreas Boehler,,
+(c) 2009 Patrick Huebner,
+ * pybluez (Windows/Linux), lightblue (OS X)
+ * pyliblo (all platforms)
+ * and need to be in the same dir!
+ * The current dir must be set to wiimote_[frontend|backend].py
+ * The Microsoft-BT Stack is NOT supported! Tested: Widcomm under XP
+ * The path in OS X must not contain spaces!
+v1.8, 2009/05/22
+Feature: Migrated to pyliblo from simpleosc which is a major speed improvement
+v1.7, 2009/05/11
+Feature: Removed setup sequence, initialization is now completely automatic; only left: debug
+v1.6.3, 2009/05/08
+Bugfix: Forgot int(msg) in disconnect-code
+v1.6.2, 2009/05/06
+Bugfix: Path to python.exe is now taken from sys.executable (should work on all platforms)
+v1,6.1, 2009/05/05
+Feature: Added debugging/verbose parameter support
+v1.6, 2009/04/28
+Feature: All OSC IPs and Ports can be freely configured now!
+v1.5.1, 2009/04/27
+Feature: Added ping command, status still to be done
+v1.5, 2009/04/26
+Bugfix: Correctly Terminate the process on MacOS X.
+v1.4, 2009/04/24
+Bugfix: Correctly Terminate the process on Win32. This took me about 6h to figure out!
+v1.3.1, 2009/04/23
+Bugfix: Changed from SIGKILL to SIGTERM for Unix kill method
+v1.3, 2009/04/23
+Feature: Added Device Discovery Routine
+Bugfix: Fixed Python 2.6 compatibility
+v1.2, 2009/04/23
+Bugfix: Frontend used 100% CPU because of infinite loop
+v1.1, 2009/04/20
+Bugfix: Fixed OS X Compatibility
+v1.0, 2009/04/09
+Bugfix: Fixed Windows Compatibility (tested on Vista)
+Note: Path to python.exe is hardcoded for now!
+v0.2, 2009/04/08
+Feature: Added OSC support
+v0.1, 2009/04/07
+Feature: Initial Version w/o OSC support
+OSC Format description:
+Address: "/wiipy"
+Format: [Type, Number, Options]
+Tuple: ["setup", 0, "debug", 1]
+Tuple: ["connect", 0, "00:4f:4e:13:56:40"]
+Tuple: ["disconnect", 0]
+Tuple: ["shutdown"] stops alls connections and quits the
+Tuple: ["discover"] starts Bluetooth-Discovery and sends the results via OSC
+Tuple: ["ping"] sends a simple "OK" via OSC
+Tuple: ["status"] reports connections via OSC
+Tuple: ["config", "ip", "", "port", 5600] configure osc IP and Port to connect to
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time as timer
+from liblo import *
+from optparse import OptionParser
+parser = OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("-i","--ip", dest="ip", help="OSC Server Address", default="")
+parser.add_option("-p","--port", dest="port", help="OSC Server Port", default=5601, type="int")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Enable debugging", default=False, action="store_true")
+(opt,argv) = parser.parse_args()
+OSC_IP = opt.ip.strip()
+OSC_PORT = opt.port
+class spawn_wiimote(object):
+ """
+This class spawns another process using various cmd-line arguments.
+It is used to run the backend with the necessary arguments, because
+threads are not safe using lightblue
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename, args):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.args = args
+ def spawn(self):
+ # We use the new subprocess class to spawn the command
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.process = subprocess.Popen([self.filename] + self.args, creationflags=512)
+ else:
+ self.process = subprocess.Popen([self.filename] + self.args)
+ =
+ if opt.debug:
+ print self.args
+ print "Spawned with PID: " + str(
+ def kill(self):
+ # The kill method depends on the platform, the win32 code took me forever to figure out!
+ if not self.process.poll():
+ if opt.debug:
+ print "Killing Process..."
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ import ctypes
+ ctypes.windll.kernel32.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(1,
+ else: # This is the Unix Method of killing a PID
+ os.kill(, 15)
+ def status(self):
+ if not self.process.poll():
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+class oscServer(ServerThread):
+ """
+This class defines an OSC Server Process, parses the options sent and
+spawns the backend
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ip='', port=5601):
+ self.ip = ip
+ self.port = port
+ ServerThread.__init__(self, self.port)
+ self.osc_ip = ''
+ self.osc_port = 5600
+ self.debug = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ self.address = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ self.wiimote = [None, None, None, None]
+ self.connected = True
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ self.osx = True
+ else:
+ self.osx = False
+ print "Listening on " + self.ip + ':' + str(self.port)
+ @make_method('/wiipy', None)
+ def wiipy_callback(self, path, args): #Yeah, this is ugly, I know...
+ if args[0] == "setup":
+ print "Setting up: " + str(int(args[1]))
+ nr = int(args[1])
+ if args[2] == "debug":
+ self.debug[nr] = int(args[3])
+ if opt.debug:
+ print self.debug
+ elif args[0] == "connect":
+ address = args[2]
+ nr = int(args[1])
+ print "Connecting: " + str(nr) + " to " + address
+ args = ["-a " + address, "-n " + str(nr), "-o " + self.osc_ip, "-p " + str(self.osc_port)]
+ if opt.debug:
+ print args
+ if self.debug[nr] == 1:
+ args.append("-v")
+ if self.wiimote[nr] == None:
+ args.insert(0, '')
+ self.wiimote[nr] = spawn_wiimote(sys.executable, args)
+ self.wiimote[nr].spawn()
+ elif args[0] == "disconnect":
+ nr = int(args[1])
+ print "Disconnecting from: " + str(nr)
+ if self.wiimote[nr] != None:
+ self.wiimote[nr].kill()
+ self.wiimote[nr] = None
+ elif args[0] == "shutdown":
+ self.stopOsc()
+ elif args[0] == "discover":
+ self.discover_devices()
+ elif args[0] == "ping":
+ if opt.debug:
+ print "Ping successful"
+ send(Address(self.osc_ip, self.osc_port), Message('/wii/ping', 'OK'))
+ elif args[0] == "status":
+ self.get_status()
+ elif args[0] == "config":
+ for ii in range(0,len(args)-1):
+ if args[ii+1] == "ip":
+ self.osc_ip = args[ii+2]
+ elif args[ii+1] == "port":
+ self.osc_port = int(args[ii+2])
+ print 'Now sending to: ' + self.osc_ip + ':' + str(self.osc_port)
+ def stopOsc(self):
+ print "Disconnecting all Wiimotes"
+ for ii in range(0,4):
+ if self.wiimote[ii] != None:
+ self.wiimote[ii].kill()
+ print "Stop OSC"
+ self.connected = False
+ def get_status(self): # Get the current Status of connected WiiMotes
+ print "Status"
+ statslist = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+ for ii in range(0,4):
+ if self.wiimote[ii] != None:
+ if self.wiimote[ii].status:
+ statslist[ii] = 1
+ if opt.debug:
+ print statslist
+ send(Address(self.osc_ip, self.osc_port), Message('/wii/status', statslist[0], statslist[1], statslist[2], statslist[3]))
+ def discover_devices(self): #The discoverer is in reality the backend, so we spawn it
+ args = ["", "-a 00:00:00:00:00:00", "-s", "-o " + self.osc_ip, "-p " + str(self.osc_port)]
+ if opt.debug:
+ print args
+ sp = spawn_wiimote(sys.executable, args)
+ sp.spawn()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ """
+We only need a short OSC Server and need to handle termination correctly,
+that is by stopping the server and disconnecting all clients.
+Note that the OSC Server is, at least under Linux, only stopped upon reception
+of the next message!
+ """
+ s = oscServer(OSC_IP, OSC_PORT)
+ s.start()
+ print " initialized, waiting for commands"
+ try:
+ while s.connected:
+ timer.sleep(1)
+ except:
+ print "Exit"
+ s.stopOsc()

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Jan 24, 5:34 AM (1 d, 12 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(35 KB)

Event Timeline